Best Long Island Audiologist and Cognitive Decline Due To Hearing Loss


Untreated Hearing Loss: Long Island Based Audiologist Guides Us Down A Pathway to To Identify Cognitive Decline and Decreased Quality of Life Due To Hearing Loss Untreated Hearing Loss: A Pathwady to Cognitive Decline and Decreased Quality of Life Hearing loss is often considered [...]

Best Long Island Audiologist and Cognitive Decline Due To Hearing Loss2024-07-30T18:25:48+00:00

Long Island Audiologist-Myths About Tinnitus


7 MYTHS ABOUT TINNITUS Tinnitus is probably causing that ringing or buzzing in your ear that doesn’t seem to go away. Maybe your doctor told you that tinnitus can’t be helped – that you’ll just have to deal with it? Well, tinnitus is a condition that’s annoying at best and debilitating at worse – but [...]

Long Island Audiologist-Myths About Tinnitus2023-04-15T13:01:54+00:00

Is Hydrogen Peroxide Safe to Put In Your Ears?


Is Hydrogen Peroxide Safe to Put In Your Ears? A buildup of earwax, while common, can become incredibly uncomfortable and can even impact your ability to hear. In your search to find relief for discomfort from full ears, you’ll likely come across a variety of recommendations, including hydrogen peroxide. The use of hydrogen peroxide to [...]

Is Hydrogen Peroxide Safe to Put In Your Ears?2023-04-03T00:33:17+00:00

Why Choose Bluetooth Hearing Aids?


Why Choose Bluetooth Hearing Aids? Bluetooth hearing aids are an effective management option for any degree of hearing loss. They have advanced technology, including automatic adjusting to your environment to help you hear better without putting any extra strain on your brain. They also allow you to experience seamless hearing with easy connectivity to [...]

Why Choose Bluetooth Hearing Aids?2023-04-03T00:32:45+00:00

What are OTC Hearing Aids?


What are OTC Hearing Aids? Before you consider purchasing an over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aid from a big box store, consider the differences in both the product and care you’ll receive. Hearing loss is complex, and it’s important to weigh your options for treatment before you make a decision. What to Keep in Mind While there [...]

What are OTC Hearing Aids?2023-04-03T00:32:08+00:00

5 Tips for Adjusting Your Hearing Aids


5 Tips for Adjusting Your Hearing Aids Taking the steps to get your hearing tested, learn about your hearing loss, and be fitted for hearing aids is a huge accomplishment. Now that you’ve taken charge of your hearing health, it’s important to learn how to maintain your hearing aids so you can keep living the [...]

5 Tips for Adjusting Your Hearing Aids2023-04-03T00:31:40+00:00

How Hearing Affects Your Overall Health


How Hearing Affects Your Overall Health For many of us, maintaining our health is a constant priority. Regular checkups, activity, and a healthy diet all contribute to our overall being, but how does hearing impact our health? Hearing loss affects many of us and our loved ones, so it’s important to know how it can [...]

How Hearing Affects Your Overall Health2023-04-03T00:30:58+00:00
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